Solar Eclipse 2024!

After our epic trip back in 2017 to see the Total Solar Eclipse down in South Carolina, we knew we wanted to see the next one! Luckily for us, these normally rare events were surprisingly close together, with the next one coming to the US in April of 2024!

Aimee, the kids, and I hit the road at 2am Monday morning, heading for a beach/playground north of Erie PA, which was in line for 100% totality. We were worried about crowds and traffic, based on how wild the 2017 Eclipse was when we went to South Carolina, so we made sure to give ourselves plenty of time this time as well!

After a lot of planning, location research, and trying to come up with the best spot, we decided on Shades Beach Park, north of Erie, PA. We arrived at around 9am, with really no traffic at all, which was a pleasant surprise.

We were watching the forecast, which called for rain in the morning. The uncertainty was that they predicted it would stop in time for the eclipse, but were unsure if the clouds would move out of the area in time. Since there was uncertainty, we decided to gamble and go for it!

The kids played at the playground for the morning, then we had lunch, and headed down to the beach for the viewing. There were still scattered clouds, passing in front of the sun every once in a while, but we were able to see the start of the eclipse!

Then, right on time at 3:18pm, we hit Totality! It was incredible, watching everything darken and seeing the sun's corona as the moon completely blocked it out. We were also treated to the 360 sunset! In addition to the goosebumps of such a cool event, it physically got quite a bit colder instantly, as a shiver ran through everyone on the beach! So we really felt the moment! There were still some thin clouds, which meant our photos have a little bit of a mottled softer appearance than the sharp corona pictures we got back in 2017, but that's what makes each one of these unique!

A few minutes later, the sun poked back out, and everything brightened back up! We then started packing back up, giving the kids a quick bite, and hit the road! We remembered from 2017 the 9 hour turned 12 hour slog to get back with the traffic, since everyone was leaving at the same time! This time, google maps did a great job getting us out of the area mostly traffic free, along some very rural PA areas! Once everyone converged back onto the main routes out, there was a little traffic, but it was not bad at all! It was supposed to be about 6 hours, and turned out to be around 7.

All in all, we departed home Monday morning at 2am, and were back home by 1am Tuesday morning, travelling and living out of the Tundra for 23 hours! The kids did great considering such a grueling schedule, with only the occasional minor tantrum dust up!

We're so lucky to have been able to experience it!


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