Wolf Den Run - The Graves!

The premise of this trip was an interesting one! Ken, a member of CORE 4x4, had been instrumental, along with the Maryland Off Highway Vehicle Alliance (MDOHVA), at getting the Wolf Den Run trail system open and available for off-roaders. In my opinion, Wolf Den Run was a HUGE success, with fantastic trails, great scenery, and good camping. For what essentially is Maryland’s first foray into such a developed trail system, they really knocked it out of the park, and I’m looking forward to future projects that follow a similar model!

To further promote the area, and get more utilization of the area, Ken suggested we propose Wolf Den Run to Jeep as a Jeep Badge of Honor (BOH) trail. This would make the Wolf Den Trails recognized by Jeep as a BOH trail, and they would promote it and reward Jeepers who visit with a badge they can mount on their vehicle. As part of that promotion, we thought it would be good to get some media (high quality photos and video), GPX recordings of the trail, and submit that along with the official submission to support our cause. Out of that proposal, a trip was planned!

This time, Andrew from hobbytrap.com, who I frequently wheel with, decided to ride passenger in my Jeep, to make it easier for him to focus on photography and content collection, while I focused on driving. This worked out great, and he was able to easily hop in and out to collect media.

We met the group at the campsite, and after getting our day wheeling passes, we hit the trail that Ken had mapped out. We started making our way onto the trail, and wheeled along until getting to a clearing called “The Orchard”, which would serve as a great lunch spot.

We continued on, came across a fallen tree that we cleared off of the track, and made our way to another clearing called “The Graves”, named after a small cemetery nearby. This spot is a bit more exposed than “The Orchard”, but still nice. After that, we continued on, and got to an area called “The Wallows”. This is a very muddy stretch of mud bogs, that we enthusiastically dunked our vehicles in.

After that, we about wrapped up the ride, and were satisfied with what we got. Great job Andrew on the content you collected, and I hope we get good results from the BOH submission!


We Went On a Cruise!?


Blue Ridge Overland Trip!